For Women Over 40 ONLY!  

This Life Changing $7 Masterclass Reveals How I've Helped 500+ Women Drop 2-3 Dress Sizes In Menopause (Even when Everything Else Failed)... In 3 Months or Less

While regaining your confidence, self love, and energy... All without having to be "Hangry" all the time or do any workouts from hell... 💃 (woot-woot!)










Normaly $27 | Today's Price Only $7!

One-time-payment. | Offer expires soon!

→ Start My 3-Month Transformation!

Is This Masterclass Your Answer?

  • Are you sick of feeling like your body is betraying you with unexplained weight gain, fatigue, and mood swings?
  • Fed up with exercises and habits that promise the world but deliver nothing but frustration and disappointment?
  • Done with feeling like a food prisoner, where every bite is a gamble that leaves you feeling bloated, lethargic, and unattractive?

Maybe you're struggling with:

  • Feeling like a stranger in your own body, with jeans that won't button up and a confidence that's gone MIA
  • Joint pain and stiffness that's hijacking your active lifestyle and turning you into a spectator in your own life
  • Hot flashes and night sweats that are draining your energy and turning you into a zombie
  • Brain fog and memory loss that's sabotaging your focus and motivation, making you wonder if you're losing your edge

Maybe you've tried:

  • Popular weight loss programs that feel like a chore, leaving you disconnected and unmotivated - like a hamster on a wheel getting nowhere fast!
  • Supplements and pills that promise the world but deliver nothing but a lighter wallet and a heap of disappointment!
  • Anxiety-inducing diets that turn you into a "hangry" monster, craving that juicy burger but forced to settle for a sad salad instead - all for a measly 0.08 KG weight loss that's gone in a week!

Just When You Thought All Hope Was Lost...

Allow me to introduce you to the Empowered Menopause Masterclass.

Say goodbye to the exhaustion, self-doubt, and frustration that's stolen your zest for life. My Empowered Menopause Masterclass dismantles the menopause lies, myths, and fake advice keeping you trapped in a downward spiral while giving you the proven, no B.S. roadmap to reclaiming your body and life! (That has worked for over 500 other women just like you!)

Join the Ranks of the Empowered!

Claim Your Spot in the Empowered Menopause Masterclass Today and Get Ready to:

  • Ditch the exhaustion and self-doubt for good
  • Shed the frustration and reclaim your confidence
  • Unlock the secrets to effortless fat loss and boundless energy

Normaly $27. Your's today for a one-time investment of just $7!
(This offer expires soon!)

→ Start My 3-Month Transformation!









Ladies, let's cut to the chase... Losing weight during menopause is NOT a myth. In fact, it's 100% POSSIBLE to shed those stubborn pounds and transform your body for good...

Even if you have tried other programs and supplements and nothing has worked...

Even if you're feeling defeated by weight gain, fatigue and negative self talk...

Even if you are peri, post, or smack in the middle of menopause...

Or even if you've been battling low energy symptoms for years and are feeling self-conscious about your body...

All your weight loss, body confidence & fatigue struggles — literally ALL of them — can be turned around in just 3 months.

Hi, my name is Justine Jeddy . . . ❤️

Women's Fat Loss & Nutrition Coach with a decade of success stories that make me super excited with what you are about to read...

Because I want to tell you about the simplest strategy for reclaiming your peri-post menopause body, lifting your energy... and renewing your confidence...

I'm not just talking about feel good stuff either — This strategy will hands down help you drop weight and inches off your waist... (woohoo!)

Feel more energized and empowered... and...

Instantly gives you the confidence to enjoy life to the fullest even when you’re dealing with poor sleep, irritability & mood swings, joint pain, and brain fog... 

I know that’s a big promise . . .

And if you’re thinking “but Justine, I’ve tried everything to lose weight during menopause” — I understand . . .

But let me ask you a question...

How many weight loss strategies have you tried that were...  

👉 Specifically designed for women going through menopause...?

👉 built by a Menopause Fat Loss, Nutrition & Fitness Expert with over 10 years of experience and more than 500 success stories to back it up?

👉 Backed by science, with no scammy supplements, workouts from hell, or "rabbit diets" ...Where lifelong struggles with weight, emotional eating, negative self-talk and fatigue were completely overturned — in just 3 months or less?

I’d be willing to bet the answer is ZERO... 

That means what you’re about to experience is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before... 

Because... my “menopause-specific fat loss” strategy gives you lasting results,

→ Start My 3-Month Transformation!

In this simple but powerful Masterclass I break down my menopause-specific fat loss strategy for you... 

Because I’m committed to making sure — that after you watch this Masterclass — you NEVER feel defeated by menopause, weight gain, fatigue or negative self-talk again... 

So next time you face the mirror... you no longer have to HOPE that you'll feel better.

Instead, you’ll have the confidence and tools to reclaim your peri-post menopause body, health and confidence every single day...

✅ No more overthinking... 

✅ No more restrictive diets... 

✅ No more wondering if you’ll ever feel like yourself again...

Bottom line: You’re about to discover the real root cause of your menopause weight loss struggles... and exactly what it takes to fix them forever...

Because the truth is, everything you’ve been told about weight loss during menopause — is DEAD WRONG... 

Things like... 

❌ “Just eat less and exercise more”...

❌ “Menopause weight gain is unavoidable, just accept it”... 

❌ “Just do intermittent fasting and lower your cortisol levels”...

All these things... are like putting bandaids on bullet wounds. 

Because they don't address the REAL reason you or any other woman on the planet struggles with weight loss during menopause... 

And unless you address this one root cause... 

It doesn’t matter if you spend a thousand hours at the gym... cut out all carbs... or meditate every day... 

NOTHING will ever change. 

Just look at what these women — who’ve applied the secrets I reveal in my Empowered Menopause Masterclass — have to say:

"I have lost 15 kg - My first prolonged weightloss in 10 years. Best of all, I don't feel deprived!" — Sheree Crouch

"I lost 6kg in 6 weeks with Justine... I improved my sleep habits easily which enabled me to have more energy for work and friends." — Zonia Khan

"20kg down is a milestone for me and one I couldn't envisage reaching on my own!" — Hana Bygrave

 Start My 3-Month Transformation!

And if it were just these three women, it would be one thing... 

But this “menopause-specific fat loss” strategy has worked for hundreds and hundreds of women over my last 10 years of menopause fat loss training... 

Including those who’ve felt completely defeated by weight gain... fatigue... and constant menopause symptoms. 

After following my strategy... these women realized what you’re about to discover... 

That ALL you need to do is... make small, consistent changes... and follow my proven strategy... 

Then... in just 3 months... (sometimes less!)

You’ll experience the most incredible transformation you’ve ever seen.

What 'Empowered Menopause' Viewers Are Saying:


Inside You'll discover:

  • Answers to your peri & post-menopause weightloss frustrations
  • AHA! moments that will leave you feeling relieved and full of hope that you can do this even if nothing else has worked!
  • The peri+post menopause-specific fat loss formula that works with your body (very few trainers know this!)
  • How to boost your metabolism, libido, and energy levels to feel like you are full of life again
  • Simple, sustainable habits to help you lose fat and regain confidence (no anxiety inducing rabbit-diets here)

Plus, you'll get...

  • Lifetime access to the Masterclass so you can keep coming back to watch
  • A clear path to start to see results

 Still Not Sure if Empowered Menopause is Right for You? 

I don't blame you! You've probably been burned by false promises and overhyped programs that left you feeling frustrated and defeated.

But here's the thing: I'm not asking you to take my word for it. I'm putting my money where my mouth is.

Download The Empowered Menopause Masterclass today, and I'll add my proprietary Stress Management secrets - the same ones I've used to help hundreds of women transform their menopause journey into a path of growth and freedom - absolutely Free.

Heads Up: This Ebook Will Challenge Everything You Thought You Knew About Managing Stress and Cortisol During Menopause...

  • In this explosive eBook, I'm pulling back the curtain on the top 5 Cortisol Myths that are sabotaging your sleep, energy, and overall well-being. (These Myths are everywhere! Even personal trainers sometimes fall for them & fitness influencers are the worst!)
  • But that's not all - I'm also sharing the same battle-tested Stress Management and Emotional Strategies used by high-stakes professionals like police and military women to stay focused, calm, and in control... even during the chaos of menopause.

  • And the cherry on top? My simple, evidence-based approach that's helped hundreds of menopausal clients sleep like babies and wake up feeling refreshed, renewed, and ready to take on the day.

Clients usually have to pay me hundreds of dollars to get access to this same life changing information. But you'll get FREE access to this incredible bonus offer when you purchase your Empowered Menopause Masterclass today.

 And let's not forget the most important part...  

Invest in the Empowered Menopause Masterclass today and I'll also grant you exclusive access to our private, invite-only online community - the Empowered Menopause Collective!

This is where the real magic happens...

Inside, you'll connect with a network of like-minded peri and post-menopause women who are on a mission to unleash their inner strength and thrive during menopause.

Get ready for:

  • Laser-focused advice and support from our community of empowered women.
  • Exclusive tips and insights from me, your menopause coach.
  • A safe space to share your journey, ask questions, and get feedback.

This is your chance to surround yourself with women who get it - who understand the challenges and triumphs of menopause, and get all the support you need to thrive!

Thats immediate access to my proprietary Empowered Menopause Masterclass, Stress Management Secrets ebook, plus my private online community... for only $7 AUD...

Here is what more women are saying about my Empowered Menopause Masterclass

In Case you Skipped to the End, Here is Everything You Get When you Purchase The Empowered Menopause Masterclass Today

Yours Today for Just $7 AUD

You Get:

  • Lifetime access to the Empowered Menopause Masterclass proven to help women achieve ditch the exhaustion and self-doubt, reclaim your confidence, and unlock the secrets to effortless fat loss...
  • Increased energy and confidence to tackle your day no matter your starting point.
  • A renewed energy boost, improved sleep, and a reawakened libido, just like your 30s!

Plus, Order today and I'll Add:

  • Bonus #1: My proprietary Stress Management secrets - the same ones I've used to help hundreds of women break free from menopause misery - absolutely Free.
  • Bonus #2: Exclusive access to our private, invite-only online community - the Empowered Menopause Collective!

Normaly $27. Your's today for a one-time investment of just $7! 
(This offer expires soon!)

→ Start My 3-Month Transformation!