EWTA 1:1 Coaching

Time to become the empowered woman you were born to be! Take your power back with your health and fitness for the last time!

  • Lose Fat & Get In Shape for the LAST time.
  • Never worry about the scales or what you 'can' and 'can't' eat again.
  • Create authentic confidence by learning how to build a stronger mindset & break limiting beliefs
  • Create Goals that are led by your values, not what you think you “should” be doing. 
  • Break bad habits and say goodbye to emotionally eating and binge eating. Create food freedom whilst you love what you see in the mirror.
  • Get the very best Nutrition, Fitness, Mindset, Lifestyle tools and knowledge you need to self-manage your wellbeing and fitness, so you can keep your results for LIFE.
  • Be a part of a supportive and nurturing community of amazing peri/post menopausal women!

What you'll get:

  • 1x Lifestyle Audit
  • Weekly 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Justine
  • Weekly Small Group Coaching Sessions
  • Weekly “EmpowHER Fit” Exercise Class
  • Full access to the Empowered Woman Transformation Academy
  • Custom-Made Lifestyle, 'No-Diet' Nutrition Plan
  • Bespoke Custom made Structured Training Program for your body needs and specific goals that you can do at home or at the gym.
  • 24/7 Private direct message access to Justine
  • Access to the Private Community Hub 
  • Access to over 600 easy & delicious recipes
  • Access to hundreds of workouts (home or gym) including mobility programs.

You will never need another health and fitness coaching program again!

What People Are Saying:

I've tried many diets and different exercise regimes. What I love about Justine & her Academy is she teaches you what you need to know so you can keep your results long term. I lost 10kg in 10 weeks, still going out with friends and family, having a training program and nutrition plan that suited me and my lifestyle.

Izzy Pasusuwan

I was tired of going around in circles not knowing what to do to shift the weight I wanted to lose. I was struggling with poor sleep too! In 6 weeks with Justine I got my sleep & my energy back and I lost 6 kgs! Very happy with my results!

Zonia Khan

I count my lucky stars that I found Justine and this Academy. Her coaching and education is second to none. I've lost 20kgs with her and kept it off sustainably without having to spend everyday in the gym, or deprive myself of my favourite foods. I would recommend anyone to join her and her academy. Life changing!

Hana Bygrave

$899.00 per month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

The Empowered Woman Transformation Academy (Hereby known as 'EWTA) Terms & Conditions


Congratulations on taking the first step towards better health and fitness. It is the desire of EWTA to help you reach your fitness and health goals as fast and as effectively as possible. These terms and conditions are here to ensure you get the most out of your investment in the EWTA Course and Coaching. It is also to set forth the details about working together so that we both have a clear understanding of the conditions and our respective responsibilities.



1.1 This agreement is provided to you (the client) prior to making payment and commencing EWTA’s course and program. Therefore, You (the client) confirm your acceptance to this agreement and it’s terms and conditions by making your first payment.


  2. The EWTA Course & Program is a minimum 3 month commitment. Over this time period we require a total commitment from you. Not fifty-percent, not eighty percent: but one hundred percent. You must be aware that in order to achieve your goals and master this process your dedication, ability to follow coaching instruction and consistency are three key ingredients. In order for you to get the most out of this course and the education and coaching it offers you, you need to show up and put in 100%. This will result in the best possible outcome for you and your goals.
  3. As part of this course you have access to group coaching and support via email and messages so please do not hesitate to reach out at any time with any questions you have.
  4. It is normal to experience some speed bumps on your health and fitness journey which is why we ask when you are facing one of these speed bumps or struggling you run towards us so we can help you, not avoid or hide from us.
  5. It is your obligation to inform us if you have an existing medical condition or injury (previous or current) prior to commencing this course and program. It is also your obligation to inform us of any condition or issue that you feel may affect your ability to undergo strenuous physical exercise. It is your obligation to inform us of any condition or issue (existing or previous) that may affect your ability to take part in any part of this course or program.
  6. In order for you to get the most out of our Coaching we ask you to be honest and transparent with where you are at and your situation. This means with your current habits and routine. The more we know about you, the more insight we have in order to help you. Remember your coach is not here to judge you but to support you to reach your goals.



3.1 Our commitment to you is to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed. We provide these through giving you access to the EWTA Course and Program which contains the course lessons and training program over the 6 month period, and giving you access to a certified Coach to keep you accountable and give you the support you need to put the habits and steps in place in order to reach your desired health and fitness goals.

3.2 We love and value our clients, so our main goal is to ensure that you achieve your goals. Therefore we commit to showing up to every check in scheduled over the course of the 6 months to provide you with the accountability and guidance you need to succeed. If, for any reason your coach cannot make the scheduled check in they will notify you in advance and alternative arrangements will be made.

3.3 We provide you with the following services: Monthly access to all course lessons and programs as well as course/program materials for the duration of your time with us. Weekly Check Ins and unlimited support via messenger or email for the duration.

3.4 EWTA reserves the right to terminate an agreement if we don’t feel you are the right fit for our course and program. Upon termination you (the client) will be refunded any amount which you have paid which covers the rest of the payment period.




4.3 You agree that you are financially willing and able to invest in this course and program by choice.

4.4 Payment must be made in advance prior to commencement of this course and program.

4.5 Payment will be made in monthly installments. 

4.6 If a payment installment is missed EWTA reserves the right to block access to the course and program until the payment installment has been settled. If payment cannot be made you will be terminated from the program.

4.7 By making payment (paying your first installment) you accept and agree to all the terms and conditions in this agreement.



5.1 The Empowered Woman Transformation Academy (EWTA) and its coaches do not provide medical diagnosis or medical advice. Therefore all information (health, fitness, nutrition and otherwise) that is provided is given as a guideline only.

5.2 The client shall not, at any time be obligated to act on any information, suggestion, advice or guidance given by EWTA as part of the course and program, but if and to the extent that the client does so, the client shall do so at their own risk. The client hereby unconditionally and irrevocably waives any rights or action the client may have against EWTA or Justine Jeddy or any EWTA Coach, in relation to any such information, suggestions, advice or guidance. The Client is advised to take independent appropriate professional advice before acting on such advice given within the course and program.

5.3 The client acknowledges that all guidelines given by EWTA and its coaches are guidelines only and that the client acknowledges that they are legally responsible for all food and supplementation that they (the client) consume. The client hereby relinquishes and waives all responsibility of any health complication that may arise by following the nutrition guidelines given by EWTA, Justine Jeddy and its Coaches.



6.1. You can cancel anytime within the first 30 days. Past this period you are required to fulfil your 3 month commitment. Past the initial 3 months you can cancel anytime with 30 days written notice. As this course is heavily discounted (Valued at $3000) no refunds are given due to the discount as well as the intellectual property that you have access to.

It is the responsibility of the customer/client to inform your Coach or EWTA in writing that you wish to discontinue.

We require a minimum of 30 days notice in writing to stop future payments and process cancellation.

6.2. EWTA reserves the right to terminate an agreement at any stage, if we don’t feel you (the client) are the right fit for our course and program. Upon EWTA terminating the agreement, you (the client) will be refunded any amount which you have already paid that covers the remainder of the payment period.


7.1 There is a strict no refund policy on the EWTA 1:1 Coaching Subscription. This is because the price and flexibility for this course is already such a great deal.


8.1 EWTA’s owner and founder, Justine Jeddy retains all ownership and intellectual property rights to this course and program and materials provided to you through the program. The program content and materials are for your individual use only. You are not allowed or authorized to share, copy, sell, post, distribute, reproduce, duplicate, trade, resell, exploit or otherwise disseminate any portion of the program and course or program and course materials, electronically or otherwise, for business or commercial use, or in any other way without my prior written permission.



9.1 You (the client) acknowledge that you take full responsibility for yourself and all decisions made before, during and after this EWTA course and program. You accept full responsibility for your choices, actions and results before, during and after this course and program. You knowingly assume all of the risk of the program related to your use, misuse or non-use of this course and program and any course and program materials. You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for your results. 



10.1 Justine Jeddy and EWTA’s coaches and team have used exceptional care and consideration creating and putting together this course and program provided to you, but this course and program and the course materials are being provided to you as self-help tools for your own use and for information and educational purposes only. There are many factors that may influence your results to the program and therefore no guarantees can be made as to the results you experience through this course and program You agree that EWTA, Justine Jeddy and all other EWTA Coaches are not responsible for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health or for any other result or outcome that you may experience through this course and program. Nothing related to this course or program is intended to be considered medical, mental health, nutrition and supplementation, legal, financial or religious advice in any way.



By commencing this course and program you the client:

11.1 Acknowledges that you have enrolled in an exercise program which may involve strenuous physical activity and use of various conditioning and exercise equipment recommended by an EWTA Coach

11.2 Warrants that you (the client) do not suffer from any disability, illness, injury or condition that would prevent or limit your participation in this program.

11.3 In the consideration of the client’s participation in EWTA’s coaching and training program and to the extent permitted by law, the client hereby releases EWTA, Justine Jeddy and all EWTA Coaches from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action arising from their participation in this course and training program. The client fully understands that they may suffer injury as a result of their participation in EWTA’s training program and, to the extent permitted by law, releases EWTA, Justine Jeddy and all EWTA Coaches from any and all liability now or in the future, including but not limited to medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering that may occur in connection with the clients participation in this program however caused.

11.4 You (the client) agree that you fully and completely hold harmless, indemnify and release EWTA, Justine Jeddy and all EWTA Coaches from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever in law or equity, that you have ever had, now have or may have against EWTA, Justine Jeddy and/or EWTA Coaches in the future that may arise from your participation in this course and program including all services, products, course and program materials to the extent permitted by applicable law.

11.5 Entire Agreement, Assignment, Survivability and Waiver: This agreement contains our entire agreement. This agreement may be modified or amended at any time as long as the amendment is in writing and is agreed upon by both parties in writing. You may not assign your rights or obligations under this agreement to anyone else and the obligations under this agreement shall survive indefinitely unless otherwise stated in this agreement. If EWTA or Justine Jeddy choses to waive or not enforce one or more terms of this agreement, it does not in any way limit my right to later enforce every part of this agreement.

11.6 Non- Disparagement: If there is a dispute between you (the client) and EWTA or one of EWTA’s coaches, you agree to not publicly or privately make any negative or critical comments about EWTA, Justine Jeddy or any EWTA Coach or to communicate with any other individual, company or entity in a way that disparages EWTA, Justine Jeddy, any EWTA Coach or this course and program or harms the reputation of EWTA, Justine Jeddy and EWTA Coaches in any way, including on social media. In arbitration or when required by law, of course, you are not prohibited from publicly sharing your thoughts and opinions.

11.7 By paying (in part or in full) for this course and program you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to and accept all of the terms in this agreement. This agreement is fully enforceable.

11.8 You (the client) agree that you have had the opportunity to ask any questions prior to payment and commencing this course and program. Therefore by you making your first payment indicates that you are in agreement with all of the terms in the agreement.

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